Friday, September 4, 2009

Now ~Dylan Thomas~

Say nay,
Man dry man,
Dry lover mine
The deadrock base and blow the flowered anchor,
Should he, for centre sake, hop in the dust,
Forsake, the fool, the hardiness of anger.

Say nay,
Sir no say,
Death to the yes,
the yes to death, the yesman and the answer,
Should he who split his children with a cure
Have brotherless his sister on the handsaw.

Say nay,
No say sir
Yea the dead stir,
And this, nor this, is shade, the landed crow,
He lying low with ruin in his ear,
The cockrel's tide upcasting from the fire.

Say nay,
So star fall,
So the ball fail,
So solve the mystic sun, the wife of light,
The sun that leaps on petals through a nought,
the come-a-cropper rider of the flower.

Say nay
A fig for
The seal of fire,
Death hairy-heeled and the tapped ghost in wood,
We make me mystic as the arm of air,
The two-a-vein, the foreskin, and the cloud.

some summer dishes( it is written in half greek and half eng.

I am writing this post just because I want to remember the ingredient and the steps of the food I have been cooking in Sifnos Island while i was the assistant cook in the restaurant. It is broken greek mixed up with some english. It does not bother me because its purpose is not to be read by you. am trying to be cocky...

Midia Axinista

15 midia
2 galisteres
2 xidonia
in small katsarola boutiro & kremidia kai meta fotia kai krasi(leuko) mexri na brazei kai meta ola ta ostraka.. otan anigoune... mikri posotita krema galaktos( se piato pasta... rixnoume maitano)
Bavette thalasina
5 mi. 2 gal. 2 xido and 2 garides me kefali
1. sto tigani ta ostraka kai nero. mexri na aniksoune brazoume. tis garides(me alati kai piperi)tis vazoume otan anigoune ta ostraka. Mexri na einai portokali oi garides. kai petame to nero . BAzoume salsa(kokkini) ligi posotita, ligo skordo kai zomos(bisk). meta apo 1 min bgaloume ta ostraka and tis garides. bazoume makaronia stin salsa. meta to bazoume se piato. ta ostraka guro guro sto piato. maitano..stelnoume gia paso.
bavette garides
3 garides me kefali, roxa, tomotinia 4(ta koboume stauro)
boutiro sto tigani...tiganizoume tis garides(alatismenes) mexri na ginoune portokali. bazoume tomatinia. se ligo bisk.. and roxa. xorizoume tis garides. makaronia and garides. oxi maitano
garides saganaki
se mikro tigani ladi kremidia and prasina piperia. se ligo 6 katharismena garidakia. tis tiganizoume mazi. sbinoume me Ouzo. bazoume mikri pst. salsa(kokkini) and bisk kai feta. se ligo sto saganaki to serbiroume zesto. rixnoume maitano.
7 midia.
se tigani kremidia, piperia, midia & ladi. otan anigoune.. sbinoume me ouzo. bazoume rizi, ki anetho.zestanoume mexri na zestathei to rizi (ean theloume ligo bisk). serbiroume se bathi piato.
Tiganito rizi me garides
3 garides xoris kefali( otan katharizioume tis garides afinoume to lepi konta sto kefali), oxi alati oute piperi.ladi sto tigani kai garides mexri na ginoune portk. bgaloume tis garides, bazoume to rizi(hdh brazmeno me nero kai boutiro). otan zestathei rixnoume meli kai thn soya(oxi poli afou einai almiri kai kauteri). ta bazoume se piato oval. kai garides pano sto rizi . Sto telos fresko kremidi pano sto piato.
Rizzoto me Garides
3 garides xoris kefali. sto tigani bazoume rizotto(hdh mageirhmeno me skordo kremidi kai krasi) kai nero, otan blepoume oti einai etoimo to rizzoto bazoume tis garides( altismenes) pano mexri na ginoun port. tis bgaloume kai meta rixnoume ligo krema galaktos sto rizoto(mn ksexasoume na anakatepsoume to rizoto me ksilini).me tn ksistra lemoniou ksinoume poli ligh posothta. se piato pasta, to rizzoto kai tis garides. diaskomisi sto piato me balsamiko.
Soupa Tom ka and Tom yum
tom ka
1 xteni and 1 garida xoris kefali. se mikri katsarola tom ka paste( half Tsp.) kai nero. otan brazei arketa, bazoume laxanika(green, yellow, red, orange pepper, ginger, zucchini) kai to xteni and thn garida meta otan einai etoimo rixnoume arketa gala karidas. Se ligo sto piato pasta. no decoration. prepei na anakatepsoume se oli thn diadikasia.
tom yum
3 garides gia saganaki,tom yum paste 3 tomatinia, kai manitaria,
Kalamari meli, kalamri pesto, kalamari skordo
se ola piata mia merida einai 11 chopped kalamari pieces and 1 kefali OR 4 thrapsala with 4 heads.
ladi sto tigani. kalamari otan den fainetai to nero boukomo, meli kai ligo soya. bathi piato
ladi kalamri sto telos. prin na baloume sto piato ligo pesto 2 koutalia. kai piato
ladi, kalamari piperi sto telos skordo, piato kai maitano
Bavette kabouri kai Rizzoto kabouri, tiganito rizi kabouri olh i diadikasia einai idia me to bvt, rizzoto, kai tg.rizi garides ektos pou brazoume to kabouri gia meika lepta.
Astakos me pasta
koboume ton astako. plinoume(prosexoume na mn petame auga ean einai thiliko) se gog boutiro. kai astakous. meta apo 3 lepta svinoume koniak(metaxa). se ligo rixnoume salsa, tomatinia, maitano kai skordo. kai ligo bisk. otan einai etoimo bazoume se piato to astako kai bavette stn salsa. kai pano astako, decoration me maintano,.
barbounia, alati psari,solomo limoncello me lime kai krema galaktos, solomo me ouzo anetho kai bisk
orektika: tarama, fava, tartar solomo, karpacio solomo/ksifias, blita(xorta) brasta(patzari, karrota, patata, kai blita), athinaiki, kopanisti, melitzanosalata, spanaki, patzarosalata, xoriatiki,axinos, patatosalata me augo.
Psaria: skorpines, glossa, sfirida, gauros, barbounnia, gouna,
epidorpio: pauloma, sika(brazmeno se krasi kokkino, kanella, garifallo,), pagota,katalana me mauri zaxari(burned)
Sxaras: kalamari, thrapsala, xtapodi, astakos, kabouri, psaria kai garides.
salsa:(kon kase, kremidia, skordo alati, sto telos pesto kai mixer)
bisk:( tiganizoume se katsarola karoto, kolokithakia, finokio, selleri,kremidi kai garides gia bisk) mexri na kaiei. kai meta bazoume arketa nero sto telos boutiro.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Still I rise ~Maya Angelou~

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.